Compressed Air Best Practices Expo

SA Performance attended and exhibited at the inaugural Compressed Air Best Practices EXPO & Conference at the Crown Plaza - Chicago/O'Hare hotel and conference center in Rosemont held September 17 - 19th. The popularity of the Compressed Air Best Practices magazine attracted distributors and industrial end-users from across the country.
Ten featured speakers focused on industrial processes for efficiency improvements, delivered through four separate show tracks related to 1) compressed air supply strategies, 2) compressed air demand reduction, 3) blower and vacuum optimization and 4) cooling systems and energy management.
The exhibit hall provided an opportunity for the attendees to meet and visit with the 63 companies who provided information and discussions about their products. Our team was there to provide information about our premium lubricants, full service air-end rebuild center and warranty programs.

The SA Performance team:
Back row (L. to R.) Mike Parker, David Rosenthal
Front: Abra Zawacki, Donna Parker, Mac Samples
Traffic at the SA Performance booth was tremendous as word spread through the Exhibit Hall about the delicious brownies we were providing to all who came by the booth.

SA (Simply Awesome) Brownies
Thank you to all who attended the show and came by to meet and visit with us. It's OK if you just came for the brownies; we enjoyed seeing you and hope to see you again soon.